Score Keeper (2 hour volunteer credit per game)
Score keeper is to email the finals scores of EVERY game on their given shift. If you're unsure of team names, please confirm with coach(es) the final score.
Each shift is a 2 hour time commitment, and are required to be onsite for the entire game. 2 hours of volunteer commitment for each shift.
Please do not use your curlers profile register. We will need you to create your own profile (Top right, under account, then profiles), as you will need to fill out your own profile and sign your own waiver.
Dates for Score Keeper
January 26 - 9:30am (required shift needed - EYCA admin away)
February 2 - 9:30am (required shift needed - EYCA admin away)February 23 - 10:30am (required shift needed - EYCA admin away)
March 2 - 10:30am (required shift needed - EYCA admin away)